I'm a day late from my usual weekly update, but that is because of what most of our mom's teach us from childhood. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Wednesdays are typically off days for me. I get my p17 shots on Tuesdays so I'm typically very hormonal/ emotional on Wednesdays. You can see it in most of my Wednesday posts, and each week seems to get a little worse. Thankfully I only have 2 more weeks of shots left.
For those of you that think bed rest is easy, it so is not. Anyone could do it for a day or two, but six weeks of laying on the couch, not being able to do anything, it wears on you fast. Add to that having to be away from your home and your spouse,it gets frustrating at times.
That being said, I am so thankful to be where I am at. The fact that mom and dad have a house 10 minutes away from my hospital, and that mom is able to be here with me is such a gift. Not to mention making it to 34 weeks in itself is fabulous. I don't want my frustrations to be taken as I am not thankful to be where I'm at. I am so thankful and am hoping and praying for 2 more weeks at least.
Mondays and Thursdays I go in for Non Stress Tests. It's nice to just sit back and listen to Maddox's heartbeat. I have my next appointment with my delivering doctor on Tuesday, and my next ultrasound with my high risk doctor on Thursday. I will be excited to see how much Maddox has grown. One thing they have been keeping an eye on is my blood pressure. It isn't to a pre eclampsia level yet, but seems to be slowly creeping up, so they are keeping a close eye on it and doing protein checks, that could be another big factor of delivering early. I'm just hoping and praying that if he comes in the next couple of weeks, he won't require much if any of a NICU stay.
No matter what happens, I know God is in control, and it is only because of Him we have made it this far. Something to remember this Christmas season. Jesus is the reason. He came to give us life and to give it more abundantly. Happy Holidays!
Hang in there, Babe! It's soooooo worth it!