Monday, May 23, 2011

School's out for Summer!

We got out of school on Friday. It's such a nice feeling to know I can sleep in. I hardly ever do, but that's beside the point. The point is I can. I have a lot of things planned this summer, and a lot of things are changing.  Next year I will be moving back to teaching my first love, 5th grade Science. So, although school is out, I spent the morning working on my new room.....still have a loooong way to go, but that's not very interesting to write about.

Will and I will be celebrating our 4th anniversary June 2nd, so one week from Wednesday, we will be on our way to Galveston for a few days. I'm ready to get my toes in the water and tail in the sand. We come back on the 5th, and on the way through Dallas, we will pick up my cousin's daughter Ashlyn, and she is going to spend the week with me. We are going to ride the train back to  Ft. Worth to take her back. I've never been on a train before.

Then, the following Tuesday, I leave for Great Expectations with several of my co workers. We will be gone until Friday. Throw in a few weddings, and June is pretty much over.  July is not quite as busy....yet. We have a Ranger game planned with Cole and Nicole, some friends of ours, and then as of right now, we don't have anything else going until we leave for Colorado the end of July (though I'm sure our schedule will soon get more on it). We will be gone 10 days and come home just in time for enrollment.

I'm excited about all of these things. However, thinking about everything is making me sleepy, so I think I will go take a nap.....because I can. :)

1 comment:

  1. Naps are awesome! Sounds like you need to rest up for all of the busy days ahead! :)
